SCET Review Program

August 19, 2015
By Bernice Halili

Since the latter part of the summer vacation for most Ateneans, the Academics Department of the Ateneo Economics Association (AEA) has been conducting review and tutorial sessions for select students from a local community in preparation for College Entrance Tests in the Philippines. These efforts were spearheaded by the AEA Academics Department for the Summer College Entrance Test (SCET) Review Program.

Volunteer tutors, who are also members of AEA, hold the review sessions on all Saturdays, from the last week of July until the end of August, at the Jesus Lord of Divine Mercy Church inside Mapaya Village, Quezon City. The students, who are all in high school, come from nearby neighborhoods and are also enrolled in a tutorial and formation program started by the local parish. Some of the subjects taught to them during the review sessions include Grammar, Reading Comprehension, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Chemistry, Biology, and General Science.

The project was particularly designed to cater to the specific needs of the students, starting with a diagnostic pre-test to determine the current level of each student in each subject. A post-test will then be given out in the final review session to determine the improvement that the students have made throughout the weeks. The intensive tutorials are also conducted in small groups in order to allow the volunteers to adequately focus on each student’s progress.

Kyle Mitschiener, Vice President for Academics of AEA, started this project this year “as a way to concretely contribute to [the organization’s] thrust of social development”. These review sessions ultimately amount to an impactful undertaking that not only benefits the students by helping them prepare for college but also gives AEA members yet another opportunity to fulfill their roles, as Ateneans, in nation-building and social development.

Bernice Halili is the Vice President for Asset Acquisitions of the Ateneo Economics Association (AEA). This summer she took part in the SCET Review Program as a tutor for the English and grammar subject.